
I have a lot of hobbies, as I said at the bottom of this blog.  And one of my faborite way of spending time is to read comic books.  There are many, many, many of them in Japan, and a number of them are also read all over the world, such as "Dragon Ball" and "One Piece."  Among those popular and enjouyable comic books, I want to tell you one of the best works for me.  It is "Yotubato!" (or "Yotuba&!" in English).  In this story, five years old girl, named Yotuba, just enjoys her daily life with his father and neighbors, with out any big events.  Yotuba is really active and she can enjoy everything she finds, sometimes causing little problems.  This is why readers can be relaxed and enjoy by reading the series of comic books.  Anyway, try to read them!  My explanation on this page is meaningless to tell you the pleasure of this comic book!  I have vol.1 ~ 7 and 12.  If you felt like reading them, tell me!


One spring morning, Ken, who is a student of a high school, got up reluctantly because he slept at deep night.  He gave a big yawn, and rubbed his eye.  He felt like sleeping back.  But it was just a moment of dream.  He glanced at a watch, and then realized that it was already the time of the first class!  "Oh my....!" he grumbled.  He sprang out of bed immidiately.  He wanted to complain to his mother about not having awaken him until that time, but he could not spend any more minute!  He flied out of his house, and he went on to Rush! Rush! Rush!  Then he got to his school, and stopped in front of a door of his class room.  He got oneself ready to be scolded by his teacher.  He opened the door.  Next time, he could not understand what was happenning.  Not a soul of student was sitting and studying.  He could not see the figure of his teacher!  Suddenly, man`s voice came from his back.  He was his teacher!  Ken tried to ask what was happening.  But before he said that, the teacher asked.  "Why are you in school at Founder`s Day?"    


My name is Jun Hiramatsu.
Call me Jun!

As the title says, I LOVE cats!
I cannot imagine my life without cats!

I also like to watch movies and to read books.
But I don't have enough time to spend time for my hobbies...

If some people have favorite movies or books, please tell me them!