

I had to submit some message for this blog last week, but I was really busy until the day before yesterday, so I couldn't!  So I'm typing this now, and I'm going to tell you why I was so busy.

There were mainly two reasons.
Firstly, I had a test of French.  This was first test in this semester, so I couldn't guess what kind of questins would be asked by my new teacher.  Besides, I also had some assignments, so I couldn't study for it enough...
But my teacher is so kind and gentle man, so I thoght that he wouldn't make a too severe test.  It was just my assumption.  Actually he gave us a test with A LOT OF questoins! 
Any way, I did do my best for it.  The result will come back next Friday!

And then, the next reason is that I had a speech contest for practice, named "the Carnation Cup".  Now, I belongs to the Speech Sectoin in E.S.S., and there I usually make two speeches a year.  This semester, I wrote a speech with a title of "See It As It Is."  In the speech, I stress the importance of seeing things without bias, and suggest the solution to get rid of it.  I presented at that speech contest in front of much audience.  There were also Speech-Section members of the University of the Sacred Heart, Tokyo, and the Yokohama City University.  I made some mistakes, like forgetting sentences...but I was so happy to be cheered up by everyone!  I could also made many friends!

On the whole, I could enjoy those substantial experiences!!!

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