
Through these two classes of Integrated Skills, we have read and talked about the first few chapters of "Arthur and Merlin" by Kevin Crossley-Holland.  For me, to tell the truth, I couldn't find this stroy exciting...

There are mainly two reasons.

First, the author uses unusual words or descriptions.  As a matter of fact, he gives us a very long adjective from the very first paragraph, like, "clamber-and-tumble-and-beech-and-bramble."  I saw this kind of a strange adjective, and couldn't understand at all what those hyphens mean.  That is, I'm not used to this kind of unusual way of writing, so I came to be confused, reading the sentences.

Then, in this story, there are too many things, which remains unknown.  Actually, the narrator seems to have least intention to tell us detailed information about his world, which is rather different from ours.  Because of our lack of knowledge about their world, it is really difficult for readers to clearly and exactly imagine the sight the main character sees.  And it is so trying boring because the story goes on and on without my understanding.

However, I know that the second problem is only first, and as the story goes on, we can know more about another world step by step.  That is, it is highly possible that the process is really exciting even for me, and that my image against the story is just a bias.

Any way, at least, I'm going to read the first volume of this book!

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