
I don't know much about "Alice in Wonderland" because I only saw the movie of animation ver., produced by Desney when I was a little child.  I just know the general prot and the unusual characters, like the white rabbit, running for his appointment, and the cheshire cat, grinnning at everything.
So through this class of the integrrated skills, I got to know many things about "Alice in Wonderland," reading the first part of the story.  The most impressive new information for me was his writing style that he makes one long sentence as a paragraph.  In my opinion, this is because, "Alice in Wonderland" is weird story, so Lewis Carroll tried to give the strange impression also to the style of writing.
I don't know whether Lewis was intended it or not, but any way, I was interested in his unusual style.

And I also didn't know that this story is translated into sooooooooooo many languages!!  I don't know the reason, so I'm going to keep thinking!

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