
I could feel Claudius like my close friend!!

Today, I'm going to talk about the introduction of a book named, "I, Claudius" by Robert Graves.  The main character is, as the title says, Claudius, who is the Emperor of Rome, and he goes on to tell his own story, like an autobiography, though it is not he who wrote this story.  And one of the most interesting point in this book is that there are some strange features in his narration.  For example, in he first chapter, Claudius insists again and again that he wrote this story by himself, like "In the present work, I swear by all the Gods, I am my own mere secretary, and my own official annalist: I am writing with my won hand, and what favour can I hope to win from myself by flattery?"  However, it does not mean that the story itself is difficult to understand.  Conversely, we can read this book comfortably.  This is partly because, maybe, the narrator uses relatively easy words, which even we Japanese students know.  Moreover, Robert Graves's way of narration is just like a conversation with a friend, and it makes us feel close to the narrator and the story.  So I think one cause of the great success of this book is the closeness and feel of comfortable for readers.


 Today, I'm going to write about my faborite movie again because I love seeing them very much.  This time, I would like to recommend you "Batman" series by the great director, Christopher Nolan.  He is famous because each of his movies has their great originality in his plot, ideas, and images, using VFX.  As a matter of fact, he skillfully described the unexpected development of the story and unbelievable scenery in people's dreams, in "Inception."  He made three "Batman" movies, "Batman Begins," "The Dark Knight," and "The Dark Knight Rises."  The main character is, as you know, Batman, who is famous for one of the best hero in American comic series.  In the story, he saves his home town, Gotham city, (which is imginable one) from evil guys, like Bane and the Joker, who try to threaten the city and also him.  Through the story, you can enjoy really exciting action scenes and battle scene with cool Batmobiles, which is special vehicles only for Batman.  But this is not all the feature of the movies.  Actually, the story is so deep, different from other action movies, which often tend to be simple plot, focusing too much on the action scenes.  That is, this series have the highest quality of plot and images.  So never assume that they are mere action movies, like those for children.  Try to see them once!  You have to be involved in the surprising new world!


Have you ever seen it?

Today, I'm going to write about one of my best movies, "Avatar." I guess, many of you have already seen, or at least known this movie. For the people who haven't yet watched it, I would like to explain the brief story and the appearings of this story. The most interesting and exciting point in this story is the extremely original, innovatory, and detailed settings. We cannot see the surprising scene in any other movies. Actually, the place is not on earth. It is other planet, which far from our one. So, of course, there are numerous kinds of strange creatures, plants and so on. For example, you can see dragons, living on the floating islands in the air! And human like creatures, Na'vi, are one of them. In this story, the main character , Jake Sully, visit this world and he contacts with the native Na'vi. The interesting point is that he actually uses Na'vi as his body with their high technology, and this is the origin of the titile of this movie. I have told you the attraction of this movie, but I'm never able to explain the excitement even in thousands of words. So, if you haven't seen it yet, I strongly recommend you to experience the unbelievable world!!


One of the Best Holiday

Last week, I spent  both of holidays joining the 19th Sophia Cup, which held by the Sophia University E.S.S. speech section.  As I said before, I belong to the speech section, and every year, the members hold this large speech contest, usually at the huge 10th hall at this university.  And this contest is well known not only by the speech seciton members in Tokyo but those in all over Japan.  As a matter of fact, one of the speaker is from Kyoto University.  Each of 8 speakers makes his or her prepared speech for about 8 minutes and short prepared speech for about 4 minutes with a theme of "Kokoro."  Almost all of speech contests don't have the short prepared speech session becuase this is unique event in our contest.  And the representive speaker from our speech section also made a speech, under the title of, "Pray for Them, and for You."  In her speech, she suggests that it is important to pray for people and herself to improve your situation and to make closer relations between people and you.    She prepared and practiced her speech hundred times for this day, and actually, she made really brilliant speech.  However, other 7 speakers also made great and impressive speeches, so regrettably, she couldn't get any prize.   But I think her speech made a lot of people there moved and inspired.  As for me, I played a role as a door man, who opens a door to let judges,questioner, and speakers enter the hall.  I felt a little nervous, but I had successfully done it.  Through the contest, I got to be inspired and moved to listen to the speeches by 8 great speakers, and I talked a lot of people concerning speech secion members in other universities.  I felt tired, but I could enjoy the precious opportunity so much!!