
 Today, I'm going to write about my faborite movie again because I love seeing them very much.  This time, I would like to recommend you "Batman" series by the great director, Christopher Nolan.  He is famous because each of his movies has their great originality in his plot, ideas, and images, using VFX.  As a matter of fact, he skillfully described the unexpected development of the story and unbelievable scenery in people's dreams, in "Inception."  He made three "Batman" movies, "Batman Begins," "The Dark Knight," and "The Dark Knight Rises."  The main character is, as you know, Batman, who is famous for one of the best hero in American comic series.  In the story, he saves his home town, Gotham city, (which is imginable one) from evil guys, like Bane and the Joker, who try to threaten the city and also him.  Through the story, you can enjoy really exciting action scenes and battle scene with cool Batmobiles, which is special vehicles only for Batman.  But this is not all the feature of the movies.  Actually, the story is so deep, different from other action movies, which often tend to be simple plot, focusing too much on the action scenes.  That is, this series have the highest quality of plot and images.  So never assume that they are mere action movies, like those for children.  Try to see them once!  You have to be involved in the surprising new world!

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