
My Faborite Song

I love songs.  As a matter of fact, I listen to various songs every day, using my i-Pod.  These days, especially, I enjoy the songs sung in English, not only to take pleasure in it, but also to improve my English ability.  Among those songs, one of my favorite songs is "Imagine" by John Lennon, which is chosen as a "top 100 most performed songs of the 20th century" by the Broadcast Music Corporation in 1999.  There are mainly three reasons why I chose this song.

              The first reason is peaceful message with the love of the human race.  This is one of the factors why "Imagine" is so popular with various kinds of listeners all over the world.  First of all, John lived the age of many conflicts, for example, the Cold War involving many countries after the two Great Wars, and the Vietnam War.  John Lennon felt sad about the situation that people cannot understand each other even after the two World Wars.  Then he composed "Imagine" and tried to awaken public sympathy with his idea that the world has to become one.  His strong ideas can be found from some sentences and descriptions like, "Imagine there's no Heaven," "A brotherhood of man," "Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world," and "I hope somebody you'll join us, And the world will live as one."  His thought was greatly empathized with a lot of people in the world and even recently, the song was sung after 9.11 and following the Iraq War.

              Besides, "Imagine" is good at making people call favorable responses, using special ways. First, this song has simple structure. To take an illustration, this song is consist of repeated phrases of "Imagine" and "You may say I'm a dreamer."  It can be said that it is monotonous , but at the same time, this kind of structure make listeners understand what singers want to tell easily and remember them.  The repeated effects of same or similar kinds of phrase and sounds are publicly admitted. 

              Besides, this song has many phrases that make us feel familiarity with it.  Some phrases like "Imagine," "You may say I'm a dreamer," and "I hope someday you'll join us" make us feel as if we are actually talked to by John Lennon.  It helps us think about the theme seriously and emphasize his idea.

              Though those great attractions, as well, some people criticize some parts of the words.  First there are some descriptions implying the communism. "Imagine no possessions," "I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger," and "Sharing all the world" are one of them.  In addition, some words, like "Imagine there's no Heaven" and "no religion," are not acceptable one for those who concerning Christianity or other religions.  In fact, recently, singing this song at funerals was forbidden.

              This song, "Imagine," is a masterpiece in many meaning with some approval or disapproval.  Any way, it is sure that this song is known to the people all over the world.  This popularity will continue forever.

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